1. What is the speed limit in Castelo Branco?
The speed limit in Castelo Branco and other urban areas in Portugal is generally 50 km/h. On national roads, the limit is 90 km/h, and on highways, it's 120 km/h. Specific road signs will indicate if different speed limits apply.
2. Is it necessary to have a driving license to drive in Castelo Branco?
Yes, you must have a valid driving license that is recognized by the Portuguese authorities to drive in Castelo Branco.
3. Are there many speed cameras in Castelo Branco?
Speed cameras are used throughout Portugal, and Castelo Branco is no exception. Regular speed checks are carried out, so it's important to adhere to the speed limits.
4. Are there toll roads around Castelo Branco?
Yes, there are toll roads in and around Castelo Branco. You can pay for tolls electronically or at manual payment points.
5. What are the main driving rules in Castelo Branco?
Driving is on the right side of the road. Overtaking is on the left. Seatbelts must be worn by all passengers. Use of handheld devices while driving is prohibited.
6. What are the safety regulations when driving in Castelo Branco?
The safety regulations in Castelo Branco are the same as throughout Portugal. Seatbelts should be worn at all times, children should use appropriate car seats, and driver must not use phones while driving.
7. What’s the traffic like in Castelo Branco?
The traffic in Castelo Branco is typically lighter than in large cities like Lisbon or Porto. However, during peak hours or events, the roads can become congested.
8. On which side of the road do we drive in Portugal?
In Portugal, including Castelo Branco, driving is on the right side of the road.
9. Can a international driving license be used in Castelo Branco?
Yes, an international driving license is accepted, provided it is accompanied by the original driving license from the country of issue.
10. Are there any specific driving regulations for highways in Castelo Branco?
The speed limit on highways is typically 120 km/h, and the minimum speed is 50 km/h. Overtake only on the left.
11. Are there rest areas on the highways around Castelo Branco?
Yes, there are rest areas provided along the highways for drivers to rest, eat, and refuel.
12. What’s required in case of a car breakdown in Castelo Branco?
If your car breaks down, you should park it out of the traffic if possible, put on your hazard lights, and call for roadside assistance.
13. What’s the protocol in case of a car accident in Castelo Branco?
In case of a car accident, the first priority is safety. Signal the accident to other road users and call emergency services if needed. Exchange contact and insurance information with the other drivers involved.
14. What should be kept in the car while driving in Castelo Branco?
Legally required items to keep in your car while driving in Portugal include a warning triangle, reflective jacket, spare wheel, and set of replacement light bulbs.
15. Can one turn right at a red light in Castelo Branco?
No, in Portugal, including Castelo Branco, it's generally forbidden to turn right on a red light unless specifically indicated by a traffic sign.