Car Rental in Rosario | Book at Unbeatable Prices

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We have been delivering great service to our customers since 2004.
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Enjoy your journey in Rosario with one of our brand new cars.
Experience top-notch customer service with our car rental service in Rosario. Explore scenic destinations like the Parque Independencia or the National Flag Monument with our vast selection of vehicles. Our knowledgeable and friendly staff is ready to assist with your journey in this unique region of Argentina, providing quick and efficient service to meet all your rental needs.

Car Rental in Rosario

Get the Best of Rosario by Car: Iconic Spots and Hidden Gems

City car in Rosario with landmarks and Independence park

Welcome to Rosario, the third-largest city in Argentina and the birthplace of the famous footballer Lionel Messi. Strategically located on the western bank of the Parana River, it's a vibrant city filled with rich culture, stunning architecture, and beautiful parks.

When in Rosario, don't miss the chance to visit the Flag Monument, a tribute to the Argentine flag and its creator, Manuel Belgrano. Another must-visit spot is the Museum of Contemporary Art, a true representation of Argentina's thriving art scene. For nature lovers, The Islas de Santa Fe National Park is only a short drive away, making it an excellent day trip.

Visiting all these spots by car offers a unique opportunity to appreciate the cityscape and the magnificent countryside surrounding Rosario. The distances within the city are rather short, making a car an easy and convenient mode of travel. Exploring the city in a car can be quite an adventure - from the bustling streets downtown to the peaceful coastlines. Moreover, driving is the perfect way to embark on explorations beyond the city, such as the tranquil town of El Trébol which is just about 150 kilometers away.

Car Rental Reviews


Rosario – 26-02-2024. As a elder gentleman, I appreciate convenience and simplicity. This car rental service here in Rosario provided me exactly that - uncomplicated rental process, quick service and surprisingly a very reasonable price for such excellent service. Never has renting a vehicle been so straightforward. I highly recommend.


Rosario – 15-11-2023. Last week my husband and I were visiting our grandchildren in Rosario and decided to rent a car here. The service was everything we needed, efficient, cost-effective and friendly. It was really easy to book and collect the keys. The prices are also really affordable compared to other companies we've used in this vibrant city.


Rosario – 05-08-2023. No complaints. My family and I were in Rosario for a wedding and this company made the whole process of getting a car so easy. The cost was very fair and we got to keep a bit more of our vacation budget for the fun stuff!


Rosario – 23-05-2023. As a student studying in here in Rosario, I do not own a car. But sometimes I really need one for a short period. This company had the best pricing available for rental - they saved my day. It was a breeze to rent with them, which I appreciate in my hectic college life.


Rosario – 15-02-2023. Every time I'm in Rosario on business, I know I can count on this car rental company. Service is always quick, efficient and the staff is friendly. It's a good value for what you pay.


Rosario – 07-01-2023. I live in Rosario and whenever I need a car, this company is my first choice. The staff is cordial and always gives you the best suggestions to suit your requirements, making the rental experience very smooth. A trustworthy option if you need a worry-free car rental!

Road Connections from Rosario

Important Road Routes for Tourists

  1. Rosario - Buenos Aires: A 300 km journey via RN9. Estimated time is around 3 hours, the road is in good condition.
  2. Rosario - Cordoba: It's approximately 400 km via RN9, with driving time around 4 hours. Route is mostly dual carriageway.
  3. Rosario - Santa Fe: Approximately 170 km, 2 hours traveling via RN168. The road is well maintained and has beautiful countryside views.
  4. Rosario - Mendoza: A long journey of about 800 km via RN8 and RN7. Expect more than 9 hours drive.
  5. Rosario - Mar Del Plata: Roughly 630 km journey via RN33 and RP51, around 7 hours drive. Well maintained roads.
  6. Rosario - Villa Carlos Paz: About 460 km via RN9. Traveling time is around 5 hours through good condition roads.
  7. Rosario - Bariloche: A long distance 2,000 km drive via RN3 and RN22, through breathtaking Argentine landscapes. Requires about 24 hours.

Driving in Rosario

Common Questions

1. ¿Cuál es el límite de velocidad en Rosario?

El límite de velocidad en la mayoría de las zonas urbanas de Rosario, como en otras partes de Argentina, es generalmente de 60 km/h. Sin embargo, en carreteras o autopistas puede aumentar hasta 110 km/h.

2. ¿Qué tipo de licencia de conducción necesito para conducir en Rosario?

Si es visitante extranjero, puede conducir en Argentina con una licencia de conducir válida de su país de origen, junto con su pasaporte. Asegúrese de tener ambos documentos con usted en todo momento cuando esté conduciendo.

3. ¿Hay radares de velocidad en Rosario?

Sí, en Rosario se utilizan radares de velocidad para monitorear y mantener las leyes de tráfico. Asegúrese de observar los límites de velocidad para evitar multas y penalizaciones.

4. ¿Hay peajes en las carreteras de Rosario?

Sí, es probable que se encuentre con peajes en las carreteras y autopistas cuando viaje fuera de Rosario. Asegúrese de tener algo de efectivo a mano, ya que no todos los peajes aceptan tarjetas de crédito.

5. ¿Cuáles son las reglas de conducción y seguridad generales en Rosario?

Las reglas de conducción y seguridad en Rosario son similares a las de muchas otras ciudades. Debe conducir por el lado derecho de la carretera, y el conductor y todos los pasajeros deben usar cinturones de seguridad en todo momento. También es ilegal usar un teléfono móvil mientras conduce, excepto si se utiliza un dispositivo de manos libres.

6. ¿Es el tráfico en Rosario muy pesado?

El tráfico en Rosario puede ser pesado, especialmente durante las horas punta de la mañana y de la tarde. Siempre planifique con anticipación y deje suficiente tiempo para llegar a su destino.

7. ¿Qué lado de la carretera se conduce en Rosario?

En Rosario, así como en el resto de Argentina, se conduce por el lado derecho de la carretera.

8. ¿Existen diferentes reglas de conducción para diferentes áreas de Rosario?

Las leyes de tráfico en Rosario son consistentes en toda la ciudad, pero las condiciones de la carretera y la densidad del tráfico pueden variar. En áreas más concurridas, debe prestar atención extra y seguir cuidadosamente las señales de tráfico.

9. ¿Qué hago si me detiene la policía mientras conduzco?

Si es detenido por la policía mientras conduce en Rosario, mantenga la calma, sea respetuoso y siga todas las direcciones. Asegúrese de tener su licencia de conducir y pasaporte fácilmente disponibles.

10. ¿Puedo conducir en Rosario si mi licencia está en un idioma diferente al español?

Sí, puede conducir con una licencia extranjera en Rosario. Sin embargo, si su licencia está en un idioma diferente al español, se recomienda obtener una licencia de conducir internacional o una traducción certificada de su licencia.

11. ¿Cómo se señalizan los cruces peatonales en Rosario?

Los cruces peatonales en Rosario generalmente están marcados con líneas blancas en el pavimento y señales especiales. Algunos pueden tener luces intermitentes para indicar que los peatones están cruzando.

12. ¿Está permitido virar a la derecha en rojo en Rosario?

No, no está permitido virar a la derecha en rojo en Rosario ni en ninguna otra ciudad de Argentina. Debe esperar hasta que la luz se vuelva verde.

13. ¿Está permitido estacionar en las calles de Rosario?

En algunas áreas de Rosario está permitido estacionar en la calle, pero en el centro de la ciudad puede haber restricciones. Siempre verifique las señales locales antes de estacionar.

14. ¿Hay zonas de baja emisión en Rosario?

Hasta la fecha, no hay zonas de baja emisión en Rosario. Sin embargo, siempre es una buena idea comprobar las últimas regulaciones de tráfico antes de viajar.

15. ¿Cómo anuncian las obras en carretera en Rosario?

Las obras en carreteras en Rosario se anuncian generalmente con señales y, a veces, con trabajadores en la carretera. Es importante conducir con precaución y a bajas velocidades en estas áreas.

Explore Rosario

Top 8 Tourist Attractions

  1. National Flag Memorial: An iconic monument in Rosario, offering panoramic views of the city.
  2. Parque de la Independencia: Rosario's largest park, perfect place for a peaceful stroll.
  3. Paraná River: Offers activities like fishing, sailing, and beaches for relaxation.
  4. Children's Museum: Interactive exhibits that educate and entertain children of all ages.
  5. El Rosedal: Beautiful rose garden in the Parque de la Independencia.
  6. La Florida: Popular beach offering various leisure activities and a vibrant nightlife.
  7. Municipal Planetarium: It offers cosmic projections that educate about astronomy.
  8. Che Guevara's Birthplace: An essential visit for history buffs and admirers of the legendary Che Guevara.

Top Roadtrips from Rosario

Explore Argentina by car

  1. Rosario to Buenos Aires: This is a 4-hour journey spreading over 300 km. Take the Rosario-Buenos Aires Highway for the most direct route, witnessing the Argentine plains along the way.
  2. Rosario to Cordoba: Travel 400 km west to reach the city of Cordoba. This 5-hour trip offers a combination of cultural and natural attractions including Jesuit estancias and Punilla Valley.
  3. Rosario to Mendoza: Journey 800 km west for approximately 9 hours to reach the wine region of Mendoza, an ideal trip for wine lovers.
  4. Rosario to Bariloche: This is a long, 1650 km drive south over 20 hours, but it takes you to Argentina's famed lake district with breathtaking mountainous views.
  5. Rosario to Mar del Plata: Travel 600 km southeast along Route 2 to reach this popular seaside city in around 7 hours, offering beautiful beaches and vibrant nightlife.
  6. Rosario to Iguazu Falls: Embark on a 1260 km north journey to experience one of the world's most stunning waterfalls - a 15-hour road trip well worth it!
  7. Rosario to San Rafael: A trip of around 860 km west will take you to San Rafael, known for its wineries and outdoor activities including rafting and hiking. Expect to be on the road for around 10 hours.


Car Rentals in Rosario

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the cost of renting a car in Rosario?

The cost of renting a car in Rosario varies depending on the type of car and rental duration. On average, renters can expect to pay between $30 and $60 per day for a standard car. Insurance and fuel charges are typically additional. It is recommended to compare prices from different rental companies to get the best deal.

2. Which car model is the most rented in Rosario?

Sedans and compact cars are typically the most rented vehicles in Rosario due to their efficiency and practicality in navigating the city's bustling streets. Additionally, these types of cars are a budget-friendly option for many travelers.

3. Where are the most popular car rental locations in Rosario?

Popular car rental locations in Rosario include the Rosario International Airport (Fisherton), downtown Rosario, and major hotels.

4. Is there a 24-hour pick-up and drop-off service?

Most car rental companies in Rosario offer 24-hour pick-up and drop-off services for added convenience. However, this is subject to the operating hours of the specific rental location.

5. What is the mandatory minimum rental period?

The minimum car rental period in Rosario typically starts from one day (24 hours).

6. What is the minimum age required to rent a car in Rosario?

The minimum age to rent a car in Rosario is generally 21 years old, though some rental companies may require the renter to be at least 25 years old.

7. What documents do I need to rent or drive a car in Rosario?

To rent a car in Rosario, you'll need a valid driver's license, a credit card in the renter's name, and proof of sufficient insurance cover. Some companies may also require you to present your passport or other form of ID.

8. When is the best time of the year to visit Rosario by car?

The best time to visit Rosario by car is during the spring (September to November) and fall (March to May) when the weather is pleasant, and city's parks and gardens are at their most beautiful.

9. What are the main airports in Rosario?

The main airport in Rosario is the Rosario International Airport (Fisherton). It's conveniently located just 13 kilometers west of the city center.

10. Can I pick up the car in Rosario and drop it off in another city?

Most car rental companies in Rosario offer one-way rentals, allowing you to pick up your car in Rosario and drop it off in another city. It's important to note that this service typically comes with an additional fee.